Sunday, March 23, 2008

Playlist's are not my friend

So I have decided from this point forward that playlists are no longer my friend. I timed how long it took me to figure out how to put a playlist on this blog and it took me around 4 hours! Ridiculous I know. The problem was that I was being stubborn and tried to figure out how to do it on my own with out any help from the computer...that didn't work. I finally gave up and read exactly what to do and got it done in less then 5 minutes. Now I'm quite embarrassed and wish i would have just read the instructions from the beginning. I'm starting to find that having a blog is kinda fun...even though I've only had it for one day. I'm excited to keep daily updates of our family accomplishments and slip-ups. This is obviously the first slip-up of many that will most likely be listed in the future. I cant help but laugh at this very moment, i can hear the buzz from our hair cutting thing a few rooms over and the thought of my dad being completely bald just makes me laugh for some reason. That's not all, my sister is singing primary songs while my 3 brothers are playing video games, well now she's yelling at them because their scrutinizing her singing and that is just causing me to laugh even more. It's funny how i started out talking about how i despise playlists and now I'm ending with how my sister is yelling....i think i have a touch of ADD :]

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