Sunday, April 27, 2008


Cecily Odom just so happens to be the funniest little girl I have ever met. I mean, for a 6 year old, she's very witty and just plain funny. All 6 year old's are some what witty but Cecily has risen the bar. So today at the church pot luck my mom asked her to get her a cup because she forget to pick one up. Cecily went and got her a cup, no complaints, because she loves my mom to death. As she is walking back, she starts talking to Dylan. Well, like all 6 year old's, her attention span isn't very long and she couldn't really focus on 2 things at once. Cecily continued to talk to Dylan even after she got to the table but was still holding the cup. After a few minutes she noticed she had it in her hand still. She looked at my mom and threw it to her. I mean this was a throw, it went over Dylan's head, in front of my mom's face, and into her lap. Cecily felt bad you could tell in her face. She shrunk in her chair and very slyly, trying to get on my mom's good side, said "Eh....mamasita?" It was the funniest thing i had heard all day. She is desperate to be my mom's favorite out of Ariel and herself. So I guess when she said that she figured she would get brownie points for saying something in Spanish. We laughed about this for a while and I'm sure its going to be something we talk about for a while to.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I did not realize she threw the cup at your mom. Thanks for posting Chelsea! I enjoyed seeing Cecily through your eyes!